PSO News & Events
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2/17 President’s Day, No School
3/10-3/14 Spring Break, No school
4/18 Spring Recess, No School
4/26 Junior/Senior Prom
4/29 Senior Dinner
5/23 Senior Commencement
High School Breakfasts offer an opportunity to build camaraderie with each other and faculty/staff. We are looking for a few donations for side items as well as volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up afterwards. We appreciate your assistance in helping our Scottsdale Prep community offer this opportunity to our High School Students.
Due to popular demand of our gently used uniforms, they will be available to purchase once a month. Watch the Weekly Update for for more information, 7:30 am to 3:00 pm, in the school library. Please remember it’s cash or check only.
Please click the button below for the PSO 2024/25 QUICK LINKS FLYER. It contains a wealth of information for families all in one place!
PSO 2024/25 Quick Links
Thank you for your support!!!