To view extra-curricular activities, please click here. To register for extra-curricular activities on Configio, click here. Ms. Laney Smith, Director of Campus Life, is another great resource for how to get involved in campus activities.
Dear Spartan families,
While Great Hearts does not require participation in extra-curricular activities, it has become clear students are happier and more successful if they are involved in them. This is the reason we continue to offer them and run them. They provide creative and physical outlets that help build a well-balanced life. Students also learn gratitude through teamwork, joy in serving, and fortitude through school spirit.
As a measure of accountability to each student and their families, the Academy does not permit student-led extracurricular groups. Rather, the Academy offers a host of options crafted and executed by the school to ensure the most meaningful opportunities consistent with the school’s mission for student involvement, enrichment and success. Below is a summary of Great Hearts’ extracurricular activities going forward.
- Athletics: Under the supervision of the Athletic Director, students in Middle and High School will have the opportunity to compete in a range of Athletic opportunities.
- Volunteer Opportunities: In running the operations of the Academy, there are a host of circumstances in which student volunteers are invited to assist the school in organizing and executing special events, providing peer support, leading mentor programs, editing school publications and other similar roles.
- Enrichment courses: A typical school day provides six rich hours of learning for students. The Academy knows that many students will crave additional opportunities to study some topics more deeply while others may wish to explore previously unstudied subject matter. The Enrichment Courses are additional opportunities for students to receive instruction from the Academy’s faculty outside the ordinary time of the school day. While the exact meeting time(s) may vary and the exact content of each course may change from semester to semester, the menu of enrichment courses that a school offers are from a fixed list that our network can best support, supervise, and continually improve. All enrichment courses have attendance requirements and culminate with a final project/deliverable at the end of the semester. The following are some enrichment courses the Academy may offer:
- Art
- World languages
- Antiquities
- Theatre
- Instrumental Music
- Choir
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Math
- Science
- Speech and Debate
- Mock Trial
- Writer’s Workshop
- Engineering/Robotics
- Horticulture
- Chess / Strategic Games
Parents/guardians are encouraged to work closely with the teachers and administration in support of the superb extra-curricular offerings for students.
As always, the safety of students is paramount as is the wise management of every activity in which they are engaged. For all extracurricular activities, students should be picked up at the time the extracurricular activity ends. Siblings who are not registered in extracurricular activities are not allowed to be on campus during the extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities are a privilege, not a right, and students can be suspended from extracurricular activities for academic or behavioral reasons at any time by the decision of the coach, athletic director, or school administration.
To be eligible for extracurricular activities at the Academy, the student must maintain passing grades in all subjects and must have displayed good behavior. If a student fails any course in a quarter, they may be suspended from all Academy extracurricular activities for the following quarter.
I want to thank you for your trust and partnership with the Academy and Great Hearts as we move forward into this wonderful new venture and year together.
In service,
Mr. Mark McAfee
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